Wednesday 3 October 2012

Strabane Sinn Féin calls for immediate release of Marion Price, Martin Corey and Gerry Mc Geough

Sinn Féin has submitted a motion to Strabane District Council calling for the immediate release of Marion Price and Martin Corey and Gerry McGeough.

The motion is scheduled for debate at the meeting of full council this coming Monday (8 October) and in proposing the motion on behalf of the 8 strong Sinn Fein grouping, Cllr Kieran Mc Guire said,

“Everyone is entitled to due process. Both Martin Corey and Marion Price have been denied this. Their continued detention without trial is an infringement of their human rights and clearly undermines the justice system. Their imprisonment is unjust and is in defiance of rulings by the courts in both cases. Both have been granted bail by the courts and yet remain in prison.

“The arrest and continuing detention of Gerry McGeough represents a flagrant breach by the British Government of its commitments in the Weston Park Agreement with respect to OTRs.

“All three should be released immediately."

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