Monday 15 October 2012

Boyle lobbies Translink on Derg service to Eniskillen Hospital

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that Translink are to look at the bus service timetable from Castlederg to Omagh to see if it can be adjusted to allow a  link up with the newly established ‘hospital service between Altnagelvin and Eniskillen hospital.  

The local MLA said,

“Since the opening of the new hospital at Eniskillen more and more people from the Derg area are being signposted to the Erne facility, both for admissions and appointments.   However, the absence of a direct service from this area to the hospital as well as a divergence in bus timetables between Castlederg and Omagh and the Omagh and Eniskillen makes it logistically difficult for anyone dependent on public transport to make their way to the hospital in a timely fashion.

“Following approaches by constituents to local Sinn Fein councillors and myself on the issue, I wrote to Translink requesting that it investigate the establishment of a direct service from the Derg area to the Erne Hospital.

“I welcome the response I have now received from Translink in which it commits to looking at the timetabling issue to see if a joined up service can now be put in place.  This would undoubtedly be of help, but would not resolve the basic issue of local people still having to undergo long  and unnessary roundabout journey to get to and from the hospital.

“So I took the opportunity to one again raise the issue at meeting with Translink in Omagh on Friday and will continue to press the case for the establishment of a direct service from the Derg area to the Erne."

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