Tuesday 9 October 2012

Sinn Féin motion on marriage equality passed by Strabane District Council

A Sinn Féin motion was passed last night at Strabane District Council making it the latest council in Ireland to support the introduction of same-sex marriages.

Sinn Féin Councillor Karina Carlin who proposed the motion said:

“I am delighted that Strabane District Council has supported my motion to extend the same rights and entitlements to civil marriages for all citizens regardless of race, religion or sexuality.

“Civil partnerships were equally opposed with the same vitriol, from the same quarters that are opposing this step for marriage equality. Civil Partnerships have been enshrined in law for years now-The sky has not fallen in and neither will it fall when equality in marriage for all Citizens finally in enshrined in civil law.

"We cannot pretend to be for equality and then add the word 'but'", she concluded.

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