Tuesday 9 October 2012

Extra Single Farm Payment Welcomed

Derg Sinn Féin Councillor Kieran Mc Guire has welcomed the decision by Agriculture Minister Michelle O’Neill to divert more money into the Single Farm Payment scheme.

Cllr Mc Guire said,

“This is a good news story for farmers in what has been a difficult year for them.  The decision to put an additional £15m into the Single Farm Payment scheme will no doubt be welcomed by both farmers and the general rural community.

“The Minister has shown she is aware of the financial difficulties facing the farmers and has acted decisively to inject more cash into the hands of farmers through the scheme.

 “These extra monies will help offset the growing price of feed for farmers with livestock and help those farmers whose crops are down due to the wet summer we have had.

 “The rural economy is greatly based upon the welfare of the farmers so this injection of more cash to the farmers will undoubtedly filter its way through the local communities and create a stimulus in this economy.”

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