Thursday 11 October 2012

Sinn Fein activists repaint Ballycolman walls targeted in graffiti spree

Last night Sinn Féin activists spent several hours repainting walls and other surfaces in the Ballycolman Estate which had been defaced with unsightly graffiti earlier this week.

Local Sinn Fein Councillor Brian Mc Mahon said,

“A couple of young boys were clearly identified as carrying out this graffiti spree throughout the Ballycolman and Sinn Fein members have been subsequently talking to their parents in an effort to ensure that there is no repetition of this wanton vandalism which has so angered the local community.

“Walls and surfaces over a wide area were defaced with black spray can paint over a two day period and last night party activists spent several hours repainting the walls and other surfaces which had been targeted.

“The Ballycolman is a close knit and proud community and the small few who engage in activities such as the wanton vandalism that happened this week cannot be allowed to undermine this community cohesion."

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