Monday 29 October 2012

Boyle highlights mental health issues support services

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that it is important that people affected by mental health problems are aware of the range of support services that are available to help.

The local MLA, and party spokesperson on disability issues, who was speaking at the launch of NI Action Mental Health’s (NIAMH) guidance on stamping out stigma said,

 “NIAMH is one of the largest charities here providing support services for people affected by mental ill health providing counselling, supported housing, day support and advocacy.

“During Mental Health Week we held an event called “Don’t lose your marbles” which was a fun way of raising awareness around mental health issues. It seems to me that momentum is growing and that finally we are beginning to talk about mental health in an open and honest way.

“The stark reality is that 1 in 4 of us will be affected at some point in our lives by a mental health issue. So mental ill health is common - we will either suffer from it at some stage or a member of our family will, or one of our friends.

“However, there is still a stigma associated with mental ill health. This stigma can act as a barrier for people affected coming forward and seeking help. It can also make recovery more difficult when people experience negative reactions from family, work colleagues or neighbours.

“These negative views and stereotyping lead to people being isolated and discriminated against and it is therefore essential that we all work towards breaking down these barriers and putting an end to the silence.

NIAMH “Stamp out Stigma” campaign will help address some of the issues highlighted and allow people with mental health issues the confidence to come forward and get the proper treatment to lead a normal life again.”

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