Wednesday 31 October 2012

Pat Doherty to meet British Secretary of State in Westminster

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MP, Pat Doherty is in London today for a series of meetings with MP’s including British Secretary of State (SoS) Theresa Villiers.

Speaking before leaving for London this morning Pat Doherty said:

“I will be holding a series of meetings with individual MP’s including British SoS, Theresa Villiers and her Labour Shadow SoS Vernon Coaker, in Westminster today as part of  Sinn Féin’s intensive lobbying exercise to influence political opinion on a number of issues crucial to the interests of the Northern electorate."

“I will take the opportunity in meetings with Theresa Villiers, Vernon Coaker and Laurence Robertson MP, NI Affairs Committee Chairperson, to impress on them the hardship that the so-called Welfare Reform Bill in its present form will inflict on the most vulnerable in our society and the damage it will do to the local economy. If Ms Villiers as is claimed is the voice of the North at Cabinet then she needs to take her lead from the Executive and not simply parrot the one size fits all attitude to the economy of her government colleagues. I will focus on the Sinn Féin proposed amendments and our determination to see them addressed."

“In my meetings with Theresa Villiers and Vernon Coaker in particular, I will also be reiterating the Sinn Féin demand for the immediate release of Marian Price and Martin Corey. It is totally unacceptable and an affront to natural Justice that a British SoS can defy the decisions of the Courts and imprison anyone without producing compelling evidence against them."

“Other MP’s that I will be meeting with in an attempt to influence their thinking on the Welfare Reform Bill are NI Affairs Committee members, Nigel Mills MP (Con), Oliver Colville MP (Con) and Dave Anderson MP (Lab)"

Monday 29 October 2012

Mc Hugh welcomes commencement of work on Clady-Doneyloop footpath

Derg Sinn Féin Councillor Maolíosa Mc Hugh has welcomed the beginning of construction of the footpath from Clady to Doneyloop describing it as a key element in the wider scheme to improve the public realm of the area with an investment of €525,000 to be made in total.

He said,

“Through close collaboration between Donegal County Council and Strabane District Council €3.8 million of EU Interreg funding was secured for the Riverlinks Project and of this amount €525,000 is to be spent on to improve the public realm of Clady/Doneyloop.  The area has been particularly badly affected by the dislocating affects of partition and this investment will have a transforming impact.

“The construction of a footpath between Clady and Doneyloop Chapel is a very practical measure to enhance pedestrian safety and combined with the other multi-element environmental improvements in store for the area, the social and visual amenity for the local community and visitors alike will be greatly enhanced.  
“Through Council I have been pressing for speedy progress to be made on moving ahead with the different schemes contained in the Riverlinks Project and particularly the Clady-Doneyloop scheme in my own electoral area so I am delighted that construction is now to begin on the footpath tomorrow (Tuesday 30th October) and I will continue to work to ensure other elements of the scheme are commenced at the earliest possible date

Boyle highlights mental health issues support services

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that it is important that people affected by mental health problems are aware of the range of support services that are available to help.

The local MLA, and party spokesperson on disability issues, who was speaking at the launch of NI Action Mental Health’s (NIAMH) guidance on stamping out stigma said,

 “NIAMH is one of the largest charities here providing support services for people affected by mental ill health providing counselling, supported housing, day support and advocacy.

“During Mental Health Week we held an event called “Don’t lose your marbles” which was a fun way of raising awareness around mental health issues. It seems to me that momentum is growing and that finally we are beginning to talk about mental health in an open and honest way.

“The stark reality is that 1 in 4 of us will be affected at some point in our lives by a mental health issue. So mental ill health is common - we will either suffer from it at some stage or a member of our family will, or one of our friends.

“However, there is still a stigma associated with mental ill health. This stigma can act as a barrier for people affected coming forward and seeking help. It can also make recovery more difficult when people experience negative reactions from family, work colleagues or neighbours.

“These negative views and stereotyping lead to people being isolated and discriminated against and it is therefore essential that we all work towards breaking down these barriers and putting an end to the silence.

NIAMH “Stamp out Stigma” campaign will help address some of the issues highlighted and allow people with mental health issues the confidence to come forward and get the proper treatment to lead a normal life again.”

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Sinn Féin condemns vicious assault on 12 year-old in Strabane

Strabane Sinn Féin Councillor Karina Breslin has expressed her disgust at the unprovoked and vicious assault of a 12 year old boy in Owenreagh Drive in the town on Saturday evening.

She said,

“I would firstly wish the young victim a full and speedy recovery from the traumatic ordeal he has endured.

“This poor boy has been left with serious physical injuries as a result of this unprovoked and vicious assault and the trauma that was inflicted upon him by his assailants will undoubtedly stay with him long after the physical scares have healed.

“This could have been any child walking on their own and the entire community is sickened at the clearly random nature of this despicable attack.

“I would appeal to anyone who has information as to the identities of those involved to bring it forward immediately.”   ENDS

Monday 15 October 2012

Boyle lobbies Translink on Derg service to Eniskillen Hospital

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that Translink are to look at the bus service timetable from Castlederg to Omagh to see if it can be adjusted to allow a  link up with the newly established ‘hospital service between Altnagelvin and Eniskillen hospital.  

The local MLA said,

“Since the opening of the new hospital at Eniskillen more and more people from the Derg area are being signposted to the Erne facility, both for admissions and appointments.   However, the absence of a direct service from this area to the hospital as well as a divergence in bus timetables between Castlederg and Omagh and the Omagh and Eniskillen makes it logistically difficult for anyone dependent on public transport to make their way to the hospital in a timely fashion.

“Following approaches by constituents to local Sinn Fein councillors and myself on the issue, I wrote to Translink requesting that it investigate the establishment of a direct service from the Derg area to the Erne Hospital.

“I welcome the response I have now received from Translink in which it commits to looking at the timetabling issue to see if a joined up service can now be put in place.  This would undoubtedly be of help, but would not resolve the basic issue of local people still having to undergo long  and unnessary roundabout journey to get to and from the hospital.

“So I took the opportunity to one again raise the issue at meeting with Translink in Omagh on Friday and will continue to press the case for the establishment of a direct service from the Derg area to the Erne."

Thursday 11 October 2012

Sinn Fein activists repaint Ballycolman walls targeted in graffiti spree

Last night Sinn Féin activists spent several hours repainting walls and other surfaces in the Ballycolman Estate which had been defaced with unsightly graffiti earlier this week.

Local Sinn Fein Councillor Brian Mc Mahon said,

“A couple of young boys were clearly identified as carrying out this graffiti spree throughout the Ballycolman and Sinn Fein members have been subsequently talking to their parents in an effort to ensure that there is no repetition of this wanton vandalism which has so angered the local community.

“Walls and surfaces over a wide area were defaced with black spray can paint over a two day period and last night party activists spent several hours repainting the walls and other surfaces which had been targeted.

“The Ballycolman is a close knit and proud community and the small few who engage in activities such as the wanton vandalism that happened this week cannot be allowed to undermine this community cohesion."

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Camus Play Park in line for upgrade

Glenelly Sinn Féin Councillor Michelle Mc Mackin has welcomed agreement secured at Strabane District Council to upgrade the childrens play park at Camus.

She said,

“This childrens play park in Camus is now in line for a much-needed revamp.

“Within Council, I have been pressing for this upgrade so that it can brought up to a safe standard and following discussion at the DCAL Working Group the Councils’s Development Committee  has now agreed to approve approximately £20k to refurbish it with some new equipment and landscaping.
“Coupled with the development of the adjoining Multi-Use-Games-Area and changing rooms at Camus Park, with the pitch due to be available for the 2013 season, the overall investment by Strabane District Council will greatly improve play and recreation opportunities for the people of Camus and the surrounding rural hinterland.”

Sinn Féin motion on marriage equality passed by Strabane District Council

A Sinn Féin motion was passed last night at Strabane District Council making it the latest council in Ireland to support the introduction of same-sex marriages.

Sinn Féin Councillor Karina Carlin who proposed the motion said:

“I am delighted that Strabane District Council has supported my motion to extend the same rights and entitlements to civil marriages for all citizens regardless of race, religion or sexuality.

“Civil partnerships were equally opposed with the same vitriol, from the same quarters that are opposing this step for marriage equality. Civil Partnerships have been enshrined in law for years now-The sky has not fallen in and neither will it fall when equality in marriage for all Citizens finally in enshrined in civil law.

"We cannot pretend to be for equality and then add the word 'but'", she concluded.

Unscrupulous individuals selling lethal fireworks to young people

Strabane Sinn Féin Councillor Jay Mc Cauley says that those unscrupulous individuals profiting from the sale of illegal fire-works/bangers to local young people will bear ultimate responsibility if any injuries result from their reckless misuse.

He said,  

“Sinn Féin councillors and activists are receiving complaints from residents in many different areas throughout the town about serious incidents where fireworks/bangers have being recklessly thrown at people, their property and even their pets.

“Given sheer volume of such devices being let off on a nightly basis, it is only a matter of time before serious injury results-either to a young person handling them or to someone who is targeted by them.

"The danger associated with these devises was tragically demonstrated in North Belfast at the weekend with a young man now left with a serious eye injury when struck by a firework so I would appeal to parents to be extremely vigilant and ensure that their children are not handling these fireworks/bangers, both for their own safety and for the safety of others.

“It is those individuals who are profiting from the sale of illegal fire-works/bangers who will be responsible if anyone in this area sustains an injury as a result of their unscrupulous activity.   They need to desist from supplying young people with these potentially lethal devises now, before it is too late!"

Extra Single Farm Payment Welcomed

Derg Sinn Féin Councillor Kieran Mc Guire has welcomed the decision by Agriculture Minister Michelle O’Neill to divert more money into the Single Farm Payment scheme.

Cllr Mc Guire said,

“This is a good news story for farmers in what has been a difficult year for them.  The decision to put an additional £15m into the Single Farm Payment scheme will no doubt be welcomed by both farmers and the general rural community.

“The Minister has shown she is aware of the financial difficulties facing the farmers and has acted decisively to inject more cash into the hands of farmers through the scheme.

 “These extra monies will help offset the growing price of feed for farmers with livestock and help those farmers whose crops are down due to the wet summer we have had.

 “The rural economy is greatly based upon the welfare of the farmers so this injection of more cash to the farmers will undoubtedly filter its way through the local communities and create a stimulus in this economy.”

Monday 8 October 2012

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MP at Tory Party Conference

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MP, Pat Doherty will address a fringe meeting at the British Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.

Before leaving for Birmingham Pat Doherty said:

“On the day that my Party colleagues will be arguing in the Assembly for deferral of the Welfare Reform Bill until there are substantial amendments made to it, I will take the opportunity at the Conservative Party Conference to impress on the British Tories its unacceptability to the people of the North of Ireland.

“Rather than much needed reform as the Tories are attempting to portray their proposals they are in fact a continuation of the cuts agenda from a British Government that cannot relate to the needs of the people. Reducing disposable income coupled with the reduction of spending on infrastructure and capital projects will have the inevitable effect of pushing more people into poverty and deprivation. This is further evidence of the need to have maximum fiscal powers transferred away from London to the Assembly as it is clear that economic policy makers in Whitehall have no conception of the social and economic conditions that pertain here.

“I will be highlighting the detrimental effects of the £4 billion cut to the North's budget which are already having devastating effects on our economy.

“I also intend to raise the Marion Price and Martin Corey cases and call on the new British Secretary of State to take a more enlightened and sensible approach to this issue than her predecessor Owen Paterson.”

Friday 5 October 2012

DUP Council Chair must retract offensive ‘anti-woman’ remark

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle has described remarks by the DUP Chair of Strabane District Council Thomas Kerrigan in which he stated that “God made man and he made woman as a helper’ as not only grossly offensive but totally inappropriate given his position as first citizen of the District with a responsibility to represent all its people equally.

The DUP man made the controversial remarks in this week’s edition of the Strabane Chronicle when outlining why he would be opposing a Sinn Féin sponsored motion seeking that the local council supports the same rights and entitlements to civil marriage for all citizens regardless of race, religion or sexuality.  The motion is to be debated in the Council Chamber this coming Monday (8 October).

In response to his remarks Michaela Boyle said,

“Since the publication of this remark yesterday, I have been contacted by a large number of people absolutely incensed that the DUP Chair of Strabane District Council felt fit to make such a grossly offensive remark which clearly infers that women are somehow inferior to men.

“His regressive remark is particularly alarming given his position as Chair of Strabane District Council with not only a statutory duty to uphold gender equality law, but also because of his responsibility to represent all the citizens of the District equally.

“According to the recently published census figures there are 20,016 female residents in Strabane District. So through his comments Thomas has effectively designated over half the population of the District as ‘helpers’.  This cannot be left unchallenged.

“I would call therefore upon the DUP Chair to immediately retract this remark immediately.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Strabane Sinn Féin calls for immediate release of Marion Price, Martin Corey and Gerry Mc Geough

Sinn Féin has submitted a motion to Strabane District Council calling for the immediate release of Marion Price and Martin Corey and Gerry McGeough.

The motion is scheduled for debate at the meeting of full council this coming Monday (8 October) and in proposing the motion on behalf of the 8 strong Sinn Fein grouping, Cllr Kieran Mc Guire said,

“Everyone is entitled to due process. Both Martin Corey and Marion Price have been denied this. Their continued detention without trial is an infringement of their human rights and clearly undermines the justice system. Their imprisonment is unjust and is in defiance of rulings by the courts in both cases. Both have been granted bail by the courts and yet remain in prison.

“The arrest and continuing detention of Gerry McGeough represents a flagrant breach by the British Government of its commitments in the Weston Park Agreement with respect to OTRs.

“All three should be released immediately."

Large numbers attend annual republican commemorative events in Strabane

Large numbers attended commemorative events held in Strabane this weekend in memory of local republicans listed on the West Tyrone Roll of Honour and Remembrance.

Speaking following the events, Chair of Strabane National Graves Association and Sinn Fein Councillor Jay Mc Cauley said,

“At this time each come we come together to remember the sacrifice of the republican dead from this area, to stand in solidarity with their families and to rededicate our efforts to fulfill the objectives of Irish Unity based on Equality and Justice for which they struggled and for which gave their lives.

“This year’s commemorative events were extremely memorable and I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to everyone who contributed towards making them such a success.

“The lecture and discussion on the theme of “Remembering our Past, Forging our Future,” held in Fountain Street on Saturday evening saw excellent contributions from the panel of Gráinne Mhic Géidigh, Barry Mc Elduff and Declan Kearney and allowed for wide ranging input and debate from the floor. Given the positive feedback received from many in attendance it is hoped that we can build similar such events into the itinerary for future commemorative weekends.

“On Sunday afternoon, the annual commemoration parade from the Ballycolman to Strabane Graveyard was led by a colour party and 4 bands and following the laying of wreaths, reading of the West Tyrone Roll of Honour and Remembrance and the lowering of flags at the Republican Plot, there was warm and sustained applause for a haunting poetry reading of Mise Éire accompanied by flute music and a powerful solo rendition of Four Green Fields.

 Main speaker at proceedings in the Graveyard was Éibhlín Glenholmes and in a moving and inspirational speech she primarily focused on the sacrifices that families of republican dead have been forced to endure as a result of the involvement of their loved ones in the struggle for Irish freedom and continuing she stated:

“We know that it simply isn’t true that time heals – we just learn to live with the grief. And we know that there has been an ongoing strategy carried out by our political enemies to create a hierarchy of victims – to try and convince the world that there is a  Unionist ascendancy of victimhood – that your loss is lesser than anyone else’s.

“But that is simply not true. Each loss carries its own pain.
All tears that fall are the same.
No parents love is lesser or greater than anyone else’s.
Grief is the great equaliser.”

In poignant concluding remarks Eibhlín directly addressed the many young people present saying,

“We need to increase the demand for Irish Unity. We need to become one nation in order to build the Ireland of Equals. That’s what our fallen comrades sacrificed their lives for. For our future. For our tomorrows. For the children of the nation.

“So youth has a lot to do. And youth need to know your place.
Your place is to be the engine – your place is in the vanguard.
Your place will be to one day stand where I stand now and tell the families “We kept our faith with you”.

“It’s then we’ll see the rising of the moon.”

Following the graveyard proceedings the parade reformed and made its way back to Fountain Street Community Centre were refreshments were served.

Sinn Féin meets Ambulance Service on ‘inadequacy’ of Derg cover

Sinn Féin councillors Maolíosa Mc Hugh and Kieran Mc Guire have held a meeting with senior Ambulance Service officials to press them on ongoing concerns over ‘inadequate levels of ambulance cover’ being provided in the Derg area of Strabane District Council.

In a joint statement following the meeting with Mr Brian Mc Neill (Ambulance Service Headquarters) and Frank Orr (Western Division Area Manager) the Sinn Féin elected representatives said,

“Sinn Féin has been highlighting the issue of inadequate ambulance cover being provided for the people of Derg area over recent years and in particular how the ambulance located at the Castlederg station always appears to be the first to be moved out to provide cover elsewhere within Western Division area.

“It is clear that this practice has resulted in delayed response times to this area. This was illustrated earlier this year when Hungarian national Sandor Lakatos died suddenly of a heart attack in Castlederg and the ambulance had to come from Omagh. This is not to say that Mr Lakatos would still be alive today had the ambulance to come from the local station, but obviously it increases a person’s chance of survival if an ambulance is on site quicker.

“From our on the ground knowledge we believe that Castlederg and its large rural hinterlands is being left without ‘onsite’ ambulance cover for between 20-25% of the time and at the meeting Mr Frank Orr gave us commitment to come back within 1 month to provide us with the exact statistics as to the amount of time the Castlederg ambulance is withdrawn to provide cover to other areas..

“Mr Brian Mc Neill of Ambulance Headquarters took our concerns on board and gave us a commitment to assess current ambulance service provision within the Division to see what, if any, improvements can be made.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Work to take away Adria mound rubble commences

Strabane Sinn Féin Councillor Brian Mc Mahon has welcomed today’s commencement of action by the owner of the derelict Adria site in Strabane to take away a high mound of rubble, to the right of the site, which was being used as launching pad to target homes in the adjoining Melmount Road area.

“I have been pressing the site owner to take such remedial action for some months. While this will not solve all the problems in terms of the anti-community activity that has been emanating from the derelict site, it hopefully will improve the situation for residents in adjoining properties on the Melmount Road who have been enduring missile attacks from a high mound of rubble overlooking their homes within the Adria site.

“The land owner contacted me last night to let me know that machinery would be on site today to commence this work and I would therefore appeal that this essential work can be undertaken without any hindrance or interference so that it can be completed as quickly as possible.”