Wednesday 18 July 2012

Sinn Féin meets with British Secretary of State

Sinn Féin representatives, Pat Doherty MP and Raymond McCartney MLA today met with British Secretary of State, Owen Paterson to discuss a range of issues of concern.

Following the meeting Raymond McCartney said:
“Pat Doherty and myself participated in a frank discussion with the British Secretary of State today. Among the contentious issues that we raised were the continued imprisonment of Marian Price, Martin Corry and Gerry McGeough.
“Mr Paterson is under no illusions as to our outright opposition to his undemocratic and vindictive actions in imprisoning these individuals. If Mr Paterson or the British government have evidence of what they believe is unlawful activity by any person then it is incumbent on them to put it before the courts in an open and transparent manner.
“Every citizen, regardless of political opinion or persuasion is entitled to test the veracity of any allegations or charges brought against them. Detaining anyone at the whim of a bureaucrat or securocrat flies in the face of natural justice and should be opposed by everyone who cherishes freedom.

Pat Doherty MP added:
“Among the other issues that we discussed was parades and their effects on host communities. We relayed in very concise terms the concerns expressed by residents in relation to contentious parades and how they negatively impact on efforts to build good community relations.”

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