Tuesday 3 July 2012

Mc Cauley welcomes wheelchair ramp access for residents at Springhill Park

Strabane Sinn Féin Councillor Jay Mc Cauley says the construction of disability ramp at bungalows at the bottom of Springhill Park will make a major difference in the quality of life of residents and particularly two residents who are wheelchair bound.

Cllr Mc Cauley who has been working on the issue on behalf of local residents was speaking today as construction of the ramp got under way said.

“Many of the residents in the bungalows are elderly and have mobility problems not least two residents who are wheelchair bound and the absence of a disability ramp with lowered kerb access has made mobility particularly problematic for them.

“I would like to commend Road’s Service for the speed with which they have acted on the representations I have made to them on the issue and, with work now well under way, the finished disability ramp provision will make a major positive difference to the quality of life of residents living in these bungalows

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