Tuesday 3 July 2012

Flanagan to Question Finance Minister on Ulster Bank Crisis

Sinn Féin MLA Phil Flanagan has received permission from the Speaker of the Assembly Willie Hay to ask the Minister for Finance & Personnel a Question for Urgent Oral Answer on the ongoing crisis at Ulster Bank.

Phil Flanagan said:
“The crisis at Ulster Bank is continuing unabated and it is important that the Executive and the Assembly plays a full part in putting pressure on the Ulster Bank and its parent company, RBS, to resolve this debacle in a satisfactory manner as a matter of urgency.
“I will be seeking answers from Finance Minister Sammy Wilson when he appears before the Assembly this afternoon. I received permission from the Speaker to put an Urgen Oral Question to the Minister on the issue and I expect that he will give us an update on any discussions he has held with Senior Management of Ulster Bank.

“I have heard some harrowing stories from my constituents, as I'm sure all other members have, of people being placed in impossible situations due to problems accessing their own money and paying bills. This crisis is having an unacceptable impact on peoples lives, those who are reliant on social welfare, pensioners, workers and those trying to operate businesses.

“It is imperative that a resolution is found as soon as possible and that customers are not only provided with a satisfactory level of clear advice in the meantime but that they receive full cooperation from the Bank in resolving any problems with third parties that will inevitably arise once the system returns to normalty.”CRÍOCH/ENDS


Mr Flanagan will put the question to the Finance & Personnel Minister Sammy Wilson at 3.30pm this afternoon.
Tuesday 3rd July 2012
To ask the Minister of Finance and Personnel for an update on his discussions with senior management of the Ulster Bank about the ongoing crisis within that organisation.
[Mr P Flanagan]

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