Monday 2 July 2012

Increased car-parking fines last thing our town centres need.

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MP Pat Doherty says that increased car-parking fines is the last thing our town centres need.  He was speaking after he and other Sinn Féin MLAs voted to oppose DRD proposals to hike fines from £60-£90.  However, the measure is still likely to be introduced after it was voted through with the combined support of the DUP and UUP.

Saying that traffic parking management cannot be linked to a revenue stream for the DRD Pat Doherty said,

"Parking management especially in town and city centres should be used to maximise trade and allow access to the area for as many people as possible. The proposed increase in the fine for illegal parking from is not designed to enhance that strategy but it seems that the Minister has decided to use it as a revenue stream.

"While I recognise that the cost of delivering a cost effective management system it is important that this is not skewed to raising money at the detriment of local traders and residents. Towns like Strabane and Omagh have a very high instance of penalty notices compared to towns of a comparative size across the North and people are finding it hard to park and shop without receiving a penalty notice. Our town centre businesses already have their backs to the wall and this will be yet another blow in their efforts to survive.

"I am calling on the Department of Regional Development to carry out a major review to ensure that the proper traffic management is cost effective in delivering a service that allows the free flow of traffic while also accommodating the local business community."

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