Tuesday 24 July 2012

Boyle expresses concern over increased dog attacks on Postal workers

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that statistics provided by Royal Mail highlighting the fact that 89 postmen and woman suffered attacks by dogs last year, with a corresponding increase of 13% in such attacks across the north since 2010, reinforces the need for dog owners to be vigilant and to ensure that their pet is not in a position pose a danger whenever your ‘postie’ calls.

She said,

“The case of local postal worker Dean Barr who sustained severe physical injuries in an attack by an Alsatian type dog in October of last year shows what, quite often is, the hidden and frightening reality behind these latest worrying statistics.

“The incidence of these attacks is more frequent during the summer months when dogs are more likely to be out in the garden and combined with the innate instinct to protect ‘their territory,’

“I would therefore like reinforce the need for dog owners to be vigilant and to ensure that their pet does not be in a position to pose a danger whenever your postie calls."

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