Tuesday 31 July 2012

Doherty welcomes go-ahead announcement for A5

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MP Pat Doherty has welcomed today’s announcement by the Minister of Regional Development giving the go-ahead for the autumn commencement of two stretches of the A5 dual carriageway.

Pat Doherty said:
“Sinn Féin has been to the forefront of the campaign for the A5 dual carriageway so today’s represents a welcome milestone in these efforts.
“First and foremost this announcement provides a much needed boost for the local economy.
“Apart from the 800 workers to be directly employment on the construction phase of the two sections between Newbuildings and Strabane and between Ballygawley and Omagh, the indirect spin-offs to the local economy will also be substantial.

“This will include materials and equipment being sourced locally which will boost local retail outlets. Through the inbuilt social clauses employment and training opportunities for the youth and long-term unemployed will also benefit local communities.  

“It is envisaged that the construction of these two phases will take around two and a-half years to complete. Sinn Féin will be continuing with our lobbing efforts, north and south, to secure the necessary commitments for the remaining Omagh to Strabane stretch and will be particularly pressing the Irish government to honour its unfulfilled financial commitments in this regard.

“The full socio-economic potential of the A5 dual carriageway will only be realised upon the completion of all its phases. But with construction finally beginning the momentum to achieve this will increase substantially.”

Nearby Dungiven venue for National Hunger Strike Commemoration this Sunday

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that given that nearby Dungiven is the venue for this year’s National Hunger Strike Commemoration she is encouraging republicans from throughout West Tyrone to make a special effort to attend special remembrance events organised in the hometown of Hunger Striker Kevin Lynch over this weekend which will culminate in the Annual National Hunger Strike March this Sunday.

She said,
“The Dungiven 81 Committee has put together an impressive programme of commemorative events to mark this, the 31st Anniversary of the 1981 Hunger Strike. The events which run from this Friday (3rd August) until Sunday (5th August) at different venues in the Dungiven area include: the video screening of ‘The Life and Times of Kevin Lynch; the unveiling of a tribute mural; ‘Let’s Talk’ discussion on theme of Women of 1980/81; social function; and the display of National Hunger Strike Exhibition throughout the weekend.
The programme of events culminates in the National Hunger Strike March beginning at Owenbeg Cottages at 2pm. Thousands of republicans from throughout all 32 counties and further afield will be making their way to Dungiven this weekend to take part in these events and by doing so will be honouring the memory Kevin Lynch and his nine comrades.  


"The pride with which the H-Block Martyrs are remembered is ever enduring and I would urge republicans from throughout West Tyrone to reflect this sense of pride by making a special effort to attend this weekend’s planned event and particularly Sunday’s major Commemoration March.   Transport is being organised to Sunday’s March from Strabane and Omagh and anyone still requiring transport can contact our Constituency offices for details.”

Friday 27 July 2012

Residents in Housing Association Developments increasingly questioning value for money of service charges payments

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that she, and other elected representatives in her constituency, are receiving an increasing volume of complaints from residents of Housing Association Developments questioning the value for money they are receiving for service charges they are obliged to pay towards regular maintenance and upkeep costs of the communal areas.   
She has now written to DSD Minister Nelson Mc Causland calling upon him to examine ways in which the sector can be better regulated in order to afford better services and statutory protections for residents.  

She has now written to DSD Minister Nelson Mc Causland calling upon him to examine ways in which the sector can be better regulated in order to afford better services and statutory protections for residents.
She said,
“Sinn Fein has been receiving an increasing volume of complaints from residents of Housing Association Developments over what they deem to be the total lack of value for money they are receiving for the service charges they are obliged to pay towards maintenance and upkeep costs.

“Common complaints from residents include dissatisfaction with the standard of performance of their Housing Associations in terms of: failures in responding to complaints at all; unacceptable delays in carrying out regular maintenance and essential repairs; as well as continual complaints about neglect of communal areas within Association developments.

“In overall terms, many Housing Association residents feel that they do not have the same level of service or the same statutory protections as Housing Executive tenants despite being within the same ‘social housing’ sector and despite having to pay additional housing costs through these service charges.

“I have now written to DSD Minister Nelson Mc Causland, as minister responsible for social housing, calling upon him to examine ways in which the sector can be better regulated in order to afford better services and statutory protections for Housing Association residents.

“Sinn Féin is also receiving a substantial number of complaints from residents in a number of private residential developments, who are subject to substantial service charges payable to management agents/companies, and who are also questioning the value for money issue that in some cases the grass-cutting of communal areas within developments is being totally neglected..

“Given the binding contractual nature of these service charges, they are extremely difficult to challenge but in acting collectively residents are better placed to ensure service obligations are being fully met. In cases where there is overwhelming evidence of a gross abdication of these service obligations, consideration should be given to collectively engage legal representation with a view to challenging the basis of the service charges contract."

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Mc Hugh welcomes signing of ‘developer waiver’ to make way for Garvan Park bin collections

Derg Sinn Féin councillor Maolíosa Mc Hugh has welcomed the signing of a developer waiver which will make way for the commencement of normal bin collection services for residents of Garvan Park in the Glebe.

He said,

“In recent weeks, I have been endeavouring to secure this outcome on behalf of local residents who have not been able to avail of a normal bin collection services because the development still remains officially un-adopted by Roads Service.

“A number of outstanding issues needed to be addressed and in liaising with Roads Service and the Technical Services Department of Strabane District Council a satisfactory position was arrived at which enabled the Developer to sign a waiver which will now make way for the commencement of normal bin collection services in Garvan Park.

“This progress will be warmly welcomed by local residents."

Mc Cauley meets Housing Executive over plight of Brigade Terrace residents

Strabane Sinn Féin Councillor Jay Mc Cauley met with a senior Housing Executive official on Monday morning to press for the introduction measures to stop young people gaining access to the block of flats at Brigade Terrace so as to prevent its stairwells and common areas being used as a drinking den which has been happening on an almost daily basis.

The local councillor said,

“Residents of the six flats and adjoining homes at Brigade Terrace have described as an ‘ongoing nightmare’ the activities of young people who have been using the stairwells and common areas of the flats as a drinking den.

“On a number occasions, when residents of the flats have tried to prevent this happening by locking the entrance door it has been kicked in and the flats are regularly being occupied from as early as 4pm often right through until into the early hours of the following morning-with residents often unable to get up or down the stairs due to drinkers, who are mostly underage, refusing to budge.

“As well as damage to fittings and fixtures in the common areas, front doors of the individual flats have also been damaged.  After being contacted by residents, I witnessed the aftermath of this activity myself and was shocked to find human faeces and pools of urine among the debris left over from the ‘night before’.

“Given this and the overall anti-social nature of the behaviour of those using the flats as a drinking den who could fault its residents for no longer wanting to stay there or for local residents in the adjoining homes on Brigade Terrace also being at their wits end.

“I met with a senior Housing Executive official on site on Monday morning and he agreed that securing the flats, for tenants use only, was the immediate short-term priority.  The Housing Executive subsequently carried out a general clean up of common areas and is now also scheduling a remedial works maintenance programme to bring the flats up to an appropriate standard."

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Boyle expresses concern over increased dog attacks on Postal workers

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that statistics provided by Royal Mail highlighting the fact that 89 postmen and woman suffered attacks by dogs last year, with a corresponding increase of 13% in such attacks across the north since 2010, reinforces the need for dog owners to be vigilant and to ensure that their pet is not in a position pose a danger whenever your ‘postie’ calls.

She said,

“The case of local postal worker Dean Barr who sustained severe physical injuries in an attack by an Alsatian type dog in October of last year shows what, quite often is, the hidden and frightening reality behind these latest worrying statistics.

“The incidence of these attacks is more frequent during the summer months when dogs are more likely to be out in the garden and combined with the innate instinct to protect ‘their territory,’

“I would therefore like reinforce the need for dog owners to be vigilant and to ensure that their pet does not be in a position to pose a danger whenever your postie calls."

Monday 23 July 2012

Adria graffiti replaced with bright coat of paint

Members of the Jim Mc Ginn Sinn Féin Cumann in Strabane applied a coat of bright paint over the graffiti blighted walls at the entrance of the former Adria factory site in the town on Friday evening.

Cumann spokesperson Stevie Dunnion said,

“Following the large volume of representations we have been receiving about this and particularly complaints about the obscene nature of some of this graffiti which people in the local community have been forced to witness on a daily basis, the local Cumann took advantage of the good weather on Friday evening to replace the offending material with a bright coat of paint.

“This initiative has been positively received and the Cumann will be looking to replicate this in other areas where unsightly graffiti is a problem."

Thursday 19 July 2012

D’fhág freasúra an Dáil an t-Aire Dinny McGinley chun labhairt leis féin tar éis siúil amach

Dúirt an t-urlabhraí Gaeltachta Shinn Féin Peadar Tóibín go raibh díomá uafásach ar mhuintir an Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachtaí.

“Tá fadhbanna ollmhór ag baint leis an reachtaíocht seo. Fadhbanna a déanfaidh damáiste don Gaeltacht. Ta a lán rudaí in easnamh anseo freisin. Déanann an bille seo neamhaird ar na deiseanna atá ann chun fuinneamh nua a anáil isteach sa Gaeltacht. Bheadh sé furasta na heasnaimh seo a réitigh da mbeadh and rialtas dáiríre faoin Gaeilge, da mbeadh an Aire dáiríre faoi an próiseas comhairliúcháin leis na eagrais Gaeilge agus dá mbeadh an Aire dáiríre faoi an próiseas daonlathas san Oireachtas.

“Ta an Gaeilge in áit an leathphingin sá stáit seo. I rith an díospóireacht gairid chualamar beagáinín níos mó ná platitudes agus uaireanta focal nimhneach chomh súil le Language Imperialists ar thug an Teachta Creed ar Gaeilgeoirí. Fiú amháin i gcoiste inné dúirt an Teachta Flanagan go raibh sé in éadain airgead a caitheamh ar eolas sláinte a foilsiú i nGaeilge sa Gaeltacht.

“Táimid ag teacht chuig deireadh na bliana, bliain inar dhearna an rialtas seo dochar do Gaeilge. Dochar don Coimisinéir Teanga, dochair do Gaelscoileanna, dochair do Scéim labhairt na Gaeilge. Bhí sé déistineach a fheiceáil an rialtas ag bagairt Dónall Ó Cnáimhsí a bhí ag labhairt ar son muintir na Gaeltachtaí.

“Is léir nach bhfuil suim dá laghad ag an Roinn no ag an rialtas plé oscailte daonlathas a chuir ar siúil anseo inniu. Mar sin diúltaím leis an próiseas in a iomlán. Nílimid sásta fanacht agus táim chun siúil amach chun mo déistin a thaispeáint ar an córas seo.”

Shiúil an freasúra ina iomláin amach tar éis na óráid gairid. D’fhág siad an t-Aire McGinley chun labhairt leis féin.

Sinn Féin accuses SSA Management of adopting flippant approach to concerns over Strabane JBO downgrade plans

Strabane Glenelly Sinn Féin councillor Michelle Mc Mackin has accused management of the Social Security Agency (SSA) of adopting a flippant approach to major concerns about plans to downgrade the Urney Road Jobs and Benefits Office in the town to a front only service, given its decision to only dispatch two junior officials to meet with Strabane District Council today, while the body had formally requested to meet with SSA Chief Executive Tommy O Reilly to discuss the issues involved.

Cllr Mc Mackin, speaking before the scheduled 2pm meeting today and on behalf of the seven Sinn Fein councillors who will be attending, said,

“Strabane District Council had formally requested to meet with SSA Chief Executive Tommy O Reilly to discuss our wide-ranging concerns, in terms of the clearly negative impact on staff and customers alike, of the Agency’s plans to downgrade the Strabane JBO Office to a front office only service from the Autumn.

“Far from addressing these concerns, SSA senior management has adopted a flippant approach on this matter by dispatching to junior officials to meet with us here today.  We will be making it known to these officials that this approach is totally unacceptable and will be demanding a meeting with senior management.

 “We have also a wide-range series of questions and concerns that we are going to put to these officials today about the planned downgrade of the Strabane JBO Office and in terms of actions we will be pushing for from senior management will be the suspension of the roll out of their plans until a full ‘Equality Impact Assessment’ is carried out as it is clear that they would have differential impacts on Section 75 groupings both in terms of customers or staff alike.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Sinn Féin meets with British Secretary of State

Sinn Féin representatives, Pat Doherty MP and Raymond McCartney MLA today met with British Secretary of State, Owen Paterson to discuss a range of issues of concern.

Following the meeting Raymond McCartney said:
“Pat Doherty and myself participated in a frank discussion with the British Secretary of State today. Among the contentious issues that we raised were the continued imprisonment of Marian Price, Martin Corry and Gerry McGeough.
“Mr Paterson is under no illusions as to our outright opposition to his undemocratic and vindictive actions in imprisoning these individuals. If Mr Paterson or the British government have evidence of what they believe is unlawful activity by any person then it is incumbent on them to put it before the courts in an open and transparent manner.
“Every citizen, regardless of political opinion or persuasion is entitled to test the veracity of any allegations or charges brought against them. Detaining anyone at the whim of a bureaucrat or securocrat flies in the face of natural justice and should be opposed by everyone who cherishes freedom.

Pat Doherty MP added:
“Among the other issues that we discussed was parades and their effects on host communities. We relayed in very concise terms the concerns expressed by residents in relation to contentious parades and how they negatively impact on efforts to build good community relations.”

Hundreds attend 40th Anniversary Commemoration in memory of IRA Recruit Tobias Molloy

40 years on from the killing of 18 year old IRA recruit Tobias Molloy at the hands of the British Army at the infamous ‘Camel’s Hump’ checkpoint on the Strabane/Lifford border, hundreds of local people attended commemoration events organised to mark this landmark anniversary of his untimely death.
In the first event on Sunday, organised by the by the Molloy/Devlin/Mc Cauley Sinn Féin Cumann, in conjunction with Strabane National Graves Association, hundreds of people fell in behind the Strabane Memorial Flute Band in a parade from Clady to a graveside commemoration ceremony at Donneyloop Cemetery where Tobias is buried.

Proceedings were chaired by Michaela Boyle MLA and following the laying of floral tributes and wreaths Anne Caldwell, a cousin of Tobias, read a moving poem about his killing-a poem which was penned by a local Lifford woman at the time of his death.  Anne then recited prayers in Irish which was followed by the lowering of the national flag.

Michaela Boyle then introduced the Main Speaker, Christine Mc Gillian, who was a close friend of Tobias. In a deeply poignant address she outlined her personal recollections of Tobias since first meeting at the Ventures Youth Club at St Colman’s High School and how this ‘dapper dressed’ and extremely handsome youth became her first boyfriend. She went on to describe his hardworking but fun loving nature and how the tumultuous events taking place both in the north and internationally had politicised and radicalised Tobias, like so many of their generation, and how these events had shaped Tobias into a deeply committed socialist and republican activist. She recounted the conversations she had with Tobias at the time in which he outlined his dilemma on whether he should join the Young Socialists, the Provisional IRA or the Official IRA and stated how he went on to join the latter, before going on to join the Provisionals shortly before the time of his death as events in the north deteriorated.

Painful memories were relived as Christine related the fateful events of the day Tobias was killed and how he earlier been in the Inter Counties Hotel in Lifford and having just left his girlfriend home in the town was making his way back into Strabane when he was struck above the heart by a rubber bullet fired by the British Army from the Camel’s Hump Checkpoint and how local youths helped carry the injured Tobias to Lifford hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.  She described the deep sorrow Tobias’ death evoked locally evidenced by the thousands who attended his funeral despite the cortege coming under attack by British soldiers.  

“Following the sustained applause which greeted Christine’s wide-ranging and profound address an inscribed Oak Celtic Cross was presented to the Molloy family on behalf the Sinn Féin Tyrone Commemoration Committee before Terry Boyle brought the graveside proceedings to a close singing ‘My Youngest Son’ in tribute to Tobias followed by a rousing rendition of ‘We Shall Overcome.’

On Monday (16th July) a vigil organised by Sinn Féin Republican Youth was held at the plaque erected in memory of Tobias, close to the spot on the former Camel’s Hump, where he was killed 40 years ago to the day.  Attended by a large crowd of local republicans, the events was Chaired by James Mc Mackin and was addressed by Fermanagh Republican and MLA Sean Lynch who paid tribute to the memory of Tobias and in speaking about his massive commitment despite his youth spoke of the importance of youth taking an increasing role in the struggle towards a United Ireland.  Armagh singer Liam Lappin then sang ‘Flag of Na Fianna’ and closed proceedings with Amhrán na bhFiann.

Monday 16 July 2012

Sinn Féin hits out at those behind Ballycolman Hoax disruption

Strabane Sinn Féin Cllr Brian Mc Mahon says that the elaborate hoax device which caused 5 hours of hardship and disruption for residents of the Ballycolman on Saturday is but the latest in a long litany of recent such incidents carried out by a small and unrepresentative element who appear to derive some form of twisted pleasure from torturing the local community.

The local councilor who remained at the scene until the early hours of this morning liaising between local residents and the PSNI in an effort to keep disruption to a minimum said,
“A device was thrown at the back of a family home at the top of the Estate sparking a security alert which continued for five hours until it was eventually declared an elaborate hoax.

 “Given the proximity of the suspect device to the Community Centre, it would have been unable to have bee n opened up to accommodate residents forced to evacuate so, along with others, I  worked to secure alternative accommodation arrangements  and I would like thank those who went out of their way to open up and make their facilities in the Ballycolman available. Thankfully these were not required but the hardship and disruption caused to local residents cannot be underestimated.

“Local people are in no doubt that last night’s hoax was the work of an individual or individuals belonging to a small unrepresentative anti-social element who have been behind  a long litany of other such recent incidents in the area and who appear to derive some kind of ‘twisted pleasure’’ from torturing the community of this area.

Friday 13 July 2012

A5 Public Inquiry Decision Welcomed - Doherty

West Tyrone Sinn Féin MP Pat Doherty has welcomed the news that the public inquiry into A5 Derry to Dublin road upgrade has favoured the scheme going ahead.

Mr Doherty said,

“The A5 upgrade is crucial to the economic development of the entire North West region so I welcome the news that the public inquiry has come out in favour of proceeding.

“Sinn Féin has been the lead party in the campaign for the upgrade of this strategic road transport corridor so todays news is a good story for the North West and the whole of the island.

“This is the largest ever infrastructural project west of the Bann and means that people will now be in a position to enjoy the tangible benefits such as significant cuts to journey times, increased roads safety, reduced traffic congestion, improved air quality and enhancement of the economic competitiveness of the region.
“I am also aware of concerns of those people who have objected to the project and I would call on the planners and developers to work closely with these people to minimise disruption to their lives.”

Monday 9 July 2012

40th Anniversary events to commemorate death of Fianna Éireann Recruit Tobias Molloy

A number of commemorative events are planned to mark the 40th Anniversary of the death of 18 year old Fianna Éireann Recruit Tobias Molloy who was fatally wounded by a rubber bullet fired by a British soldier from the notorious “Camels Hump” border checkpoint in Strabane on the 16th July 1972.

The first event organised by the Molloy/Devlin/Mc Cauley Sinn Féin Cumann, in conjunction with Strabane National Graves Association, will be a commemoration parade leaving Cluney Gardens in Clady this Sunday at 3pm (15 July) and following the route to Donneyloop graveyard where Tobias is buried.  The parade will be led by a colour party from Sinn Féin Republican Youth dressed in Fianna Éireann period uniform and the Strabane Memorial Flute Band.  Graveside commemoration proceedings will include a special tribute from Christine Mc Gillian, who was a close friend of Tobias, and a musical tribute from Terry Boyle.

A Remembrance Vigil, organised by Sinn Féin Republican Youth will be held at 7pm on Monday (16 July) at the memorial plaque close to the spot on the Camels Hump where Tobias was killed on the anniversary of his untimely death 40 years ago.

Calling upon local republicans to attend both events Sinn Fein Councillor and Strabane National Graves Jay Mc Cauley said,

“Tobias Molloy was 18 years old when, returning from his girlfriend’s home in Lifford, he was struck above the heart by a rubber bullet fired by the British army. The British propagandists were quick to claim that Tobias was shot while taking part in a riot but these claims were disputed by local eyewitnesses, who were adamant that he was nowhere near the riot, and was shot down in cold blood without reason.

“Local youths helped carry the injured Tobias to Lifford hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
“The British Army’s killing of Tobias and its subsequent brutal attack on his funeral cortege as it made its way across the border for burial at Donneyloop were defining events in the lives of so many people from this area and particularly for that generation of young people who were prepared to take a stand in defiance and resistance against the might of the British state.

“So 40 years on, I would call on republicans from every era to take the time out to attend the memorial events that have been planned in memory of Tobias and in doing so pay a fitting tribute to his memory.”

Thursday 5 July 2012

Doherty raises issue of A5 funding in meeting with Troika

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MP Pat Doherty raised the issue of the Irish government’s withdrawal of funding for the A5 dual carriageway when a party delegation, which included Deputy Pearse Doherty, vice president Mary Lou McDonald, social protection spokesperson Aengus Ó Snodaigh met, with the Troika review group in Dublin this morning.

Pat Doherty said,

“This is the 3rd meeting Sinn Féin has held with Troika and we once again impressed upon them the counter-productive nature of their continued insistence that the state meets deficit reduction targets-not only in terms of the negative consequences these are having on returning the economy to a position of growth but also the devastating consequences they are  having on low and middle income families.

“Our meeting with the Troika was frank and constructive. However it is clear that they are more focused on meeting deficit reduction targets than on the need for investment in jobs and growth.

“In the context of the Irish government so far reneging on the commitment it entered into as part of the St Andrew’s Agreement to joint fund the A5 Dual Carriageway Project with the Northern Executive and given that the deficit reduction targets set by Troika is still being used by the government as an excuse for failing to honour this commitment, it was important to establish Troika’s position on the funding of this key infrastructural project,

“Troika said they were not prescriptive on how the deficit reduction targets are met and that the Irish government had significant scope and choice on what policies it pursues so it is clear that the decision to pull funding for the A5 was a purely political decision and not one based upon any specific conditions imposed by Troika.

“As with choosing to impose the burden of austerity on low and middle income families, rather than on the very wealthy in our society, the Irish government has also made the political choice of holding back funding from the A5- and in doing so is setting back the economic and social development of the northwest region and Ireland as a whole.

 “Sinn Fein will continue to press the Irish government to live up to its commitments on the A5 at every available opportunity.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Commitment Given To McGinley Family Welcomed

Sinn Féin MLA’s Michaela Boyle and Sue Ramsey Chair of the Health Committee have welcomed the commitment given by Health Minister Edwin Poots to the McGinley family to get as close to the truth on what happened to their mother Maureen body.

Ms. Boyle said,

“The McGinley family have been searching for answers to what happened to their mothers body in Altnagelvin hospital after it was found she has sustained 30 fractures after death in 2007.

“Sue Ramsey and myself accompanied the family today to a meeting with Health Minister Edwin Poots.

“I welcome the commitment given by the Health Minister Edwin Poots to the family to get to the truth.

“The Minister has proposed writing to the Attorney General John Larkin and Justice Minister David Ford calling for a review of the case as the first option of getting to the truth.

“The Minister also spoke about writing to the NIO to ask for a inquiry similar to the one carried out in the pseudomonas outbreak earlier in the year.

Ms. Ramsey added,

“As Chair of the Health Committee I am determined that the McGinley family find the truth to what to their mother Maureen’s body.

“This family have now been campaigning for five years and deserve the truth and it is important that we bring this to an end for the sake of the family.

“I also welcome the Ministers commitment to get to the truth and will support him in every way possible through the committee.”

Mc Mahon welcomes completion of work to fill in pot holes in back lanes of old Ballycolman

Sinn Féin Councillor Brian Mc Mahon has welcomed the completion of work to fill in the large number of potholes in the back lanes of homes of the Old Ballycolman.

Cllr Mc Mahon said : “I would like to commend the Housing Executive for acting upon this issue which was flagged up as a major area of concern by local residents in their responses to a door to door survey carried out by local Jim Mc Ginn Sinn Féin Cumann members throughout the area at the end of February.

“The surface of some areas of the back lanes had disintegrated to such an extent that some of the potholes had developed into craters.

“The fact the damaged areas have now been repaired with good quality tar surfaces and not just temporary patch ups has been warmly welcomed by local residents and I would also like to applaud the appointed contractor for the high quality of the work that has been undertaken.

Mc Guire welcome rewiring and refurbishment scheme for Gamble Park

Derg Sinn Féin Councillor Kieran Mc Guire has welcomed confirmation that Housing Executive homes at Gamble Park in Spamount are now scheduled to undergo a kitchen refurbishment and complete house rewiring scheme this November.

The local councillor said,
“I have been lobbying for much needed remedial works to be undertaken on these Housing Executive homes at Gamble Park for some considerable time, particularly given that these homes have not been rewired or have had any  improvement or maintenance works carried out on them since the early 1980s.

“I asked Pat Doherty to raise the issue with DSD Minister Nelson Mc Causland and it has now been confirmed in the Minister’s response to questions Pat submitted that the complete rewiring and kitchen refurbishment to these homes is now programmed for these properties in November 2012

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Mc Cauley welcomes wheelchair ramp access for residents at Springhill Park

Strabane Sinn Féin Councillor Jay Mc Cauley says the construction of disability ramp at bungalows at the bottom of Springhill Park will make a major difference in the quality of life of residents and particularly two residents who are wheelchair bound.

Cllr Mc Cauley who has been working on the issue on behalf of local residents was speaking today as construction of the ramp got under way said.

“Many of the residents in the bungalows are elderly and have mobility problems not least two residents who are wheelchair bound and the absence of a disability ramp with lowered kerb access has made mobility particularly problematic for them.

“I would like to commend Road’s Service for the speed with which they have acted on the representations I have made to them on the issue and, with work now well under way, the finished disability ramp provision will make a major positive difference to the quality of life of residents living in these bungalows

Flanagan to Question Finance Minister on Ulster Bank Crisis

Sinn Féin MLA Phil Flanagan has received permission from the Speaker of the Assembly Willie Hay to ask the Minister for Finance & Personnel a Question for Urgent Oral Answer on the ongoing crisis at Ulster Bank.

Phil Flanagan said:
“The crisis at Ulster Bank is continuing unabated and it is important that the Executive and the Assembly plays a full part in putting pressure on the Ulster Bank and its parent company, RBS, to resolve this debacle in a satisfactory manner as a matter of urgency.
“I will be seeking answers from Finance Minister Sammy Wilson when he appears before the Assembly this afternoon. I received permission from the Speaker to put an Urgen Oral Question to the Minister on the issue and I expect that he will give us an update on any discussions he has held with Senior Management of Ulster Bank.

“I have heard some harrowing stories from my constituents, as I'm sure all other members have, of people being placed in impossible situations due to problems accessing their own money and paying bills. This crisis is having an unacceptable impact on peoples lives, those who are reliant on social welfare, pensioners, workers and those trying to operate businesses.

“It is imperative that a resolution is found as soon as possible and that customers are not only provided with a satisfactory level of clear advice in the meantime but that they receive full cooperation from the Bank in resolving any problems with third parties that will inevitably arise once the system returns to normalty.”CRÍOCH/ENDS


Mr Flanagan will put the question to the Finance & Personnel Minister Sammy Wilson at 3.30pm this afternoon.
Tuesday 3rd July 2012
To ask the Minister of Finance and Personnel for an update on his discussions with senior management of the Ulster Bank about the ongoing crisis within that organisation.
[Mr P Flanagan]

Mc Hugh welcomes commitment from Roads Service on Castlefin Park Footways

Following a meeting with D.O.E. roads service officials last week Derg Sinn Féin councillor Ruairí Mc Hugh has given a cautious welcome to a commitment given to him by roads service to replace the remaining flagged foot paths in the park with tarred footpaths. Following the meeting he said,

' I raised this issue with roads service after residents raised concerns with me primarily for two reasons, the first being that the flagged footpaths have over time become a hazard to pedestrians as the uneven nature of the flag stones have led to people being injured as the result of tripping and falling and secondly, after periods of heavy rainfall some areas of the footways pool water and this makes it difficult for residents to get in and out of their houses '

' Roads service officials have assured me that they will undertake this work if the funding is available and I intend to continue to lobby them to ensure the funding is put aside for this work to be carried out'

Councillor Mc Hugh also expressed his disappointment that following a request by him for traffic calming measures to be implemented on the Cavan Road area of the town, Roads officials have said the road does not at present meet the necessary criteria and was not a priority in the district at the moment, he said,

' The Cavan Road area has seen increased housing development in recent years and residents with young families have expressed their concerns to me over speeding cars which pose an obvious risk to children in the area that cross the road between the different estates. Having agreed to my request for a survey to be carried out, Roads service have told me that the average speed of traffic on the road over the period of time was 20 mph'.

'While I accept the result of the survey it only takes one or two speeding drivers who do not fall with in the average speed to cause a serious injury or accident to children. The safety of children in the area which is paramount and I just hope that it does not take an accident or much worse a fatality for roads service to implement the appropriate measures and I intend to continue to make representations on the concerned residents behalf to roads service on this matter'

Monday 2 July 2012

Increased car-parking fines last thing our town centres need.

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MP Pat Doherty says that increased car-parking fines is the last thing our town centres need.  He was speaking after he and other Sinn Féin MLAs voted to oppose DRD proposals to hike fines from £60-£90.  However, the measure is still likely to be introduced after it was voted through with the combined support of the DUP and UUP.

Saying that traffic parking management cannot be linked to a revenue stream for the DRD Pat Doherty said,

"Parking management especially in town and city centres should be used to maximise trade and allow access to the area for as many people as possible. The proposed increase in the fine for illegal parking from is not designed to enhance that strategy but it seems that the Minister has decided to use it as a revenue stream.

"While I recognise that the cost of delivering a cost effective management system it is important that this is not skewed to raising money at the detriment of local traders and residents. Towns like Strabane and Omagh have a very high instance of penalty notices compared to towns of a comparative size across the North and people are finding it hard to park and shop without receiving a penalty notice. Our town centre businesses already have their backs to the wall and this will be yet another blow in their efforts to survive.

"I am calling on the Department of Regional Development to carry out a major review to ensure that the proper traffic management is cost effective in delivering a service that allows the free flow of traffic while also accommodating the local business community."

Elderly Strabane woman lay cowering in fear as home under attack

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle says that an elderly Strabane woman lay cowering in fear in her bed last night as a group of young people set about destroying the front wall and security gate of her bungalow home in the Bridgend area of the town.

 Relaying the traumatic ordeal endured by the pensioner the local MLA said,

“I was contacted by the victim of this sickening attack this morning and immediately called to see her in her home.  She is still visibly shaken and upon witnessing the extent of the damage that has been done to the front wall and security gate of her bungalow, I can only begin to imagine the absolute state of fear she must have been in as those involved were engaged in their frenzy of destruction.

“She recounted how she cowering in her bed as she thought that, at one stage, the banging and crashing was coming from the roof of her home and was so frozen in fear that she could not even make it to the phone to contact the PSNI.  She lives alone and has been so traumatised by the ordeal that she doesn’t want to stay in her home tonight.

“Local people are asking where the police were last night given that the bungalow is in the direct line of sight of cameras mounted on the barracks. More generally, the PSNI is fully aware of the constant stream of complaints from residents in the Bridgend area about the various incidents of anti-community activity spilling over from two notorious under-age drinking hotspots and given other reported attacks on homes and property in Waterside Street and Bridge Street earlier this week, the community is right in its expectation that the PSNI should be doing more to address this long-standing problem.
“The scourge of underage drinking and the associated problems that go with it require a collective community and multi-agency response but the PSNI owe it to the unfortunate victim of last night’s attack and the wider community in the Bridgend to act now in an effort to bring an end the weekly cycle of destruction that they are being forced to endure.”