Thursday 13 September 2012

Report into people with learning difficulties transition problems welcomed

Sinn Féin MLA Michaela Boyle has welcomed the report ‘Review of Transitions to Adult Services for Young People with Learning Difficulties’ by Queens University that looked at the transition from school into adult services.

Ms Boyle said,

“I welcomed the report from Queens University and the recognition from Children’s Commissioner Patricia Lewsley-Mooney that the procedure is flawed.

“There are many people with learning difficulties who fall between the cracks and families are left with no support or a place for the person in any programme.

“This is detrimental to both the patient and the family as the patient is unable to develop and many are likely to experience mental health difficulties.

“It is important that we create a range of facilities so that there is a smooth transition from school into the social health and care system that will cater for all people across the full range of learning difficulties.”

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