Thursday 27 September 2012

New sub-committee to bring rural issues to heart of business of Strabane Council

Strabane Glenelly Sinn Féin Cllr Dan Kelly has described the establishment of a Rural/Agriculture sub-committee as an important step in ensuring that the key issues affecting rural parts of the district are brought to the heart of business in the Council Chamber.

Cllr Kelly, who has been behind the lobby to have such a forum set up, said,

“While Strabane is predominantly rural, many rural dwellers that I speak to feel that council business is disproportionately dominated by issues affecting urban centres in the district.

“So, within council, I have been pressing for the setting up of a vehicle whereby the key issues affecting people in our rural communities can be brought to the heart of council business.

“Following my request, discussions have been undertaken with Omagh District Council, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and representative farming bodies to examine existing models against which to take this proposal forward.

“Based on these discussions it is proposed to establish a liaison group which would be convened up to four times per year to discuss issues relevant to the rural/agricultural sector in the district.

“An initial meeting with the key stakeholders is provisionally scheduled for Wednesday 10 October 2012 at 10.00am to ensure the liaison group adds value to existing consultation and engagement arrangements and to refine the terms of reference and identify priority areas for discussion.  It is further proposed that this group be open to all Councillors with an interest in rural issues.”

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