Tuesday 4 September 2012

Minister fast tracks plans for new Arvalee School

West Tyrone MLA Declan Mc Aleer has welcomed a commitment by Education Minister John O Dowd to fast track a new build for Arvalee School on a section of the Lisanelly Educational campus site.

According to Mr Mc Aleer 'I spoke to the Minister today (Tuesday) who confirmed that he has instructed his officials to fast track the project. His officials are currently completing a dedicated business case for the school and when constructed it will dove-tail into the overall campus

'During the Ministers visit to Omagh last Saturday he was struck by the devastation that the loss of this facility has caused to the whole community. To the Ministers credit he has injected a sense of urgency into replacing the school as soon as possible and, in conjunction with the WELB and officials from his department; this process has now been set in motion.

'My understanding is that in the interim, pupils will be relocated to other facilities in the district with the possibility of providing specialist modular accommodation on the original site at Arvalee while the new school is constructed.

Cllr Mc Aleer concluded 'The destruction of Arvalee School last Saturday morning has cast a long shadow over the district. However, the clear commitment from the Minister and the WELB to fast track a new build for Arvalee on the Lisanelly site is excellent news and will give hope to the many children, parents and staff as they regroup and plan for the future'.

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