Wednesday 19 September 2012

Mc Cauley secures street signage for Marian Park

Strabane Sinn Féin Councillor Jay Mc Cauley says that the erection of street signage at Marian Park in the town will hopefully alleviate the persistent problems local residents have been encountered in terms of service providers and visitors being able to locate their homes in this part of the Head of the town.

He said,

“The absence of signage identifying Marian Park has presented persistent problems for residents living there down through the years.

“Apart from the difficulties some emergency services have had in locating addresses in a prompt manner, there have been countless instances of various delivery service personnel and people not familiar with the area having to stop and ask directions to the home of a Marian Park resident.            

“On the foot of representations from local residents, I pressed Council’s Technical Services Dept to provide appropriate signage to help alleviate these problems.  The signage was installed last Thursday and hopefully its provision will make life easier not only local residents but for people trying to locate addresses in the area."

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