Monday 10 September 2012

Boyle to meet Western Trust on Greenfield Home concerns.

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle is scheduled to meet Western Health and Social Care Trust Assistant Director Aidan Gordon over renewed concerns for the future of Greenfield Residential Care Home in Strabane.

She said,

“Unlike 2008, there is currently no specific proposal on the table to close Greenfield.

“However, over recent months there have been increasing concerns expressed to me and to other local elected representatives that the Trust is endeavouring to close the home by stealth i.e. incrementally run it down through a reduction new residential and respite  admissions.

“I contacted the Trust in relation to these concerns early last month and as a result of these representations will now be meeting with its Assistant Director Aidan Gordon on Thursday 27th September to further discuss the matters involved.

“Local concerns over the future of Greenfield have been further reinforced by Recommendation 10 of the “Transforming Your Care” report (commissioned by Health Minister Edwin Poots) which proposes “a major reduction in residential accommodation for older people over the next five years,”

“Given that occupancy trends would undoubtedly be considered a key factor in determining which residential accommodation remained open in such a scenario, I will be seeking evidence and assurances from Aidan Gordon that no attempt is, or will be, made to “artificially manufacture” the closure of Greenfield."

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