Wednesday 8 August 2012

Minister’s Plan to erect ‘Welcome to Northern Ireland” sign on Lifford-Strabane road a provocative stunt.

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Michaela Boyle has accused DRD Minister Danny Kennedy of engaging in a provocative stunt after the party learned that the Lifford to Strabane road is one of eight border locations earmarked for the erection of controversial “Welcome to Northern Ireland” signs.

She said,

“It has now been confirmed to Sinn Féin by Traffic Management Section of Roads Service that a location on the Lifford-Strabane Road is one of eight border locations earmarked for the erection of controversial “Welcome to Northern Ireland” signage following a directive by DRD Minister Danny Kennedy. We have been told that the signage has been ordered and is expected to be erected within the next eight weeks.

“Given that Danny Kennedy knows full well the contested nature of this loaded term his directive to impose this politically divisive signage, where it clearly will not be welcomed by the vast majority of the population, is a provocative stunt designed to foster division in the community.

“In pressing ahead with his politically motivated project the Minister has totally ignored the advice of the Tourist Board who described how the proposed erection of such was signage was met with “outright hostility from almost every council” and furthermore stated how a survey on the proposed erection of these signs were seen "as divisive and contentious' and concluded that "The idea of Welcome to Northern Ireland signs at border crossings would not be welcomed and should not be pursued."

“At the end of June, Danny Kennedy stood before the Assembly telling us that were wasn't enough money to pay for grass cutting, street lighting and pothole repairs yet is now able to provide money for this signage the only practical consequence of which is to cause offence.
“Danny Kennedy must now release how ill-conceived his stunt is by removing the five signs that have already been erected and by rescinding plans to proceed with the remaining three including the one planned for the Lifford-Strabane Road.
Note to Editors: The 8 strong Sinn Féin grouping on Strabane District Council will be pressing to have the erection of this sign on the Lifford-Strabane road blocked when council meeting re-convene following the statutory summer holiday break.

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