Wednesday 8 August 2012

Minister’s defence of “Welcome to Northern Ireland” signage a red herring

Donegal Sinn Fein County Councillor Cora Harvey described Minister Danny Kennedy’s defence of erecting the ”Welcome to Northern Ireland” signage as a complete red herring saying,

“Danny Kennedy is now trying to sell this signage as a point of information that (motorists) are entering a different jurisdiction where speed limits are in miles per hour. This is a complete red herring as there is already sufficient signage indicating this change. Moreover, if the so-called information contained on this signage so essential to motorists, as Danny would have us believe, then why are hundreds of other border crossings being exempted?

“Danny Kennedy’s motivation for erecting these signs is clearly political. It’s a feeble attempt to recreate some kind of physical border which has long since gone and he can’t surely hope that by engaging in such a silly stunt that he is going to turn the clock back in any way."

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