Friday 10 August 2012

Adria fire highlights dangers of bonfire tyres

West Tyrone Sinn Féin MLA Michaela Boyle says the dangers of young people storing ‘bonfire’ tyres at the former Adria site in Strabane was clearly evidenced this morning, after they were set alight with the fire spreading to hedges of adjoining residential property.

The local MLA, who visited the scene after being contacted by local residents said,
“Thankfully Fire Brigade personnel, from the two appliances dispatched to the scene, were able to quickly bring, what could potentially have been a very serious situation. quickly under control. However this morning’s events highlight, once again, the perennial problem of collecting, storing and using tyres in Halloween bonfires.

“For many generations of young people in Strabane tyres have been the prized ingredient of the Halloween bonfire, and competition between young people in different areas of the town to see who can amass the most has been part and parcel of this annual ritual. However, in more recent years, as the full extent of the serious risks to human and animal health from toxic smoke from burning tyres has become known there has been increased efforts made to dissuade young people to from using them.
“As well as appealing to young people involved in collecting for bonfires to take on board the damage to health and the environment that the burning of tyres cause, I would also appeal to local outlets, or wherever tyres are stored, to take additiona

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