Wednesday 29 August 2012

Mc Cauley describes arson attack as inexplicable

Strabane Sinn Féin councillor Jay Mc Cauley has described an early morning arson attack on the car of an elderly brother and sister at Townsend Street at 6am on Saturday morning as inexplicable.

He said,

“I visited and spoke with the victims of this attack and they were deeply upset at what has happened.  They are two quiet and inoffensive people and cannot understand why anyone would target them in this way.  This arson attack is totally inexplicable.

“As a result of this attack they have now been robbed of their means of transport and have now been left to bear the costs of replacing the vehicle and possible increases in insurance costs.

“Neighbours and people in the wider area are completely disgusted that this has happened and whoever is behind this needs to carefully examine their conscious about what they have done.”

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