Thursday 9 August 2012

Mc Mahon welcomes installation of measures to alleviate flooding

Sinn Féin Councillor Brian Mc Mahon has welcomed the installation of a new storm drain gully on the entryway behind homes between addresses 296-301 Ballycolman Estate at the bottom of the Ballycolman Estate following representations he made to Roads Service on behalf of residents.

He said,

“During spells of heavy rain and for days after the entryway had become totally inaccessible to residents in this row of homes due to it being constantly flooded and because of the substantial muck residue left behind when the water levels eventually subsided. As a result, residents were even being forced to bring their bins through their homes.

“After lobbying Roads Service on the issue, I now welcome the remedial action it has taken to help alleviate this problem and it has made a major improvement to the situation.

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