Thursday 14 June 2012

Michaela Boyle MLA Tabled Questions To DSD Minister

Michaela Boyle MLA has tabled a series of questions to DSD Minister Nelson Mc Causland challenging plans to downgrade Strabane Social Security office to front office only service. We are still awaiting answers to these questions.

Ref No Member Question Tabled Answered

AQW 12717/11-15 Ms Michaela Boyle
(SF - West Tyrone) To ask the Minister for Social Development, in relation to the planned roll-out of Customer First in the Western District, to detail what consideration Social Security Agency management has given to locating at least one of the new telephony service functions at the Strabane Social Security Office.

08/06/2012 Awaiting Answer
AQW 12716/11-15 Ms Michaela Boyle
(SF - West Tyrone) To ask the Minister for Social Development, given that Strabane District Council already has a disproportionately low number of civil service and public sector jobs, for his assessment of whether the planned transfer of up to 37 additional posts, from the Social Security Office to Derry, will compound this inequality even further.

08/06/2012 Awaiting Answer
AQW 12715/11-15 Ms Michaela Boyle
(SF - West Tyrone) To ask the Minister for Social Development whether the criteria, used by Social Security Agency management, to determine the location of Customer First functions throughout its office network in the Western District area, included any consideration of the existing levels of Civil Service posts in each District Council area.

08/06/2012 Awaiting Answer
AQW 12714/11-15 Ms Michaela Boyle
(SF - West Tyrone) To ask the Minister for Social Development to provide an estimate of the cost of bringing the Social Security Agency Office in Foyle up to a ‘fit for purpose’ standard, to accommodate the planned centralisation of Customer First functions within the Western District.

08/06/2012 Awaiting Answer
AQW 12713/11-15 Ms Michaela Boyle
(SF - West Tyrone) To ask the Minister for Social Development to outline the purpose of the recently completed refurbishment of the Social Security Agency offices in Strabane, given that it has been earmarked as a front-office only service from September 2012, and to detail the total costs involved in the refurbishment.

08/06/2012 Awaiting Answer
AQW 12637/11-15 Ms Michaela Boyle
(SF - West Tyrone) To ask the Minister for Social Development, in light of the concerns raised that the Customer First Model will have a detrimental impact on vulnerable user groups in the West District, whether he would suspend the planned roll-out of the Model, in that area, until an equality impact assessment has been carried out on its effect upon staff and customers. [Priority Written]

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