Tuesday 19 June 2012

Industrial Estate Fire has placed health of Ballycolman community at risk

Strabane Sinn Féin Councillor Brian Mc Mahon says that the actions of a small element of young people who set fire to the disused factory premises in the Ballycolman Industrial Estate this afternoon have placed the health of the surrounding community in the Ballycolman area at risk given the materials contained in the building.

Speaking from the scene he said,

“The potential health risk to the surrounding community of this arson attack, as well as the potential endangerment to adjoining businesses at the Ballycolman Industrial Estate, is evidenced by the fact that 8 fire-fighting appliances and have had to be tasked to the scene.

“The fire is now well under-control but it appears the disused factory premises have been extensively damaged.  I will be speaking to the Council’s Environment Health Department shortly to see what measures be taken to secure the site in the short-term given the major danger it now presents, particularly to any young person attempting to enter the unstable buildings.

“Unfortunately, there is a small element of young people who have been making life a misery for residents in the wider Ballycolman area and today’s arson attack is but the latest incident in a long line of such anti-community activities.”

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