Tuesday 13 November 2012

More assistance needed for separated parents

West Tyrone Sinn Féin MLA Michaela Boyle has questioned the Minister for Social Development on what steps he is taking to support parents who are separated.
The Department for Social Development is undertaking a programme of major reform for child maintenance. Research and evidence demonstrate that children who receive support from both parents throughout their childhood tend to enjoy better outcomes in life. Therefore, through the reform programme, the intention is to develop a modernised child maintenance service that will provide high-quality information and support at the earliest possible time during a relationship breakdown. Officials have been working at community level to trial interventions to assess the different levels of support required in local communities in order to find out what works and does not work at a local level in supporting separated families. The findings from that work have highlighted potential opportunities for enhancing existing arrangements to support the most vulnerable through local community organisations and trusted networks. Ms Boyle stated: “The breakdown of a relationship propels families into uncharted and inhospitable territory. We are increasingly aware that throughout Ireland more assistance needs to be readily available earlier in the process of separation in order that the terrain becomes more manageable for all. The British government are to introduce charges for the use of the new statutory child maintenance scheme. In the north maintenance is a devolved matter and charges are still under consideration. I have called on the DSD minister alongside the executive to ensure that more assistance and information is provided to enable people to work together to resolve issues such as maintenance arrangements and that no charge will be levied to the caring parent”.

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