Wednesday 28 November 2012

EU Funding Vital for All-Ireland Rail Network

Sinn Féin MLA’s brought forward a motion in the assembly this week calling for the Minister for Regional Development to work in partnership with the Irish Government to advance the 'pre identified' projects list for inclusion in the next round of EU funding for 2014-2020.
Trans- European Networks were a by-product of the Maastricht Treaty and they were established to ensure fit for purpose networks in transport, energy and telecommunication where available across the EU. The Trans- European Transport Network (TEN-T) policy sets the policy framework for the development of transport infrastructure across the EU. TEN-T comprises infrastructures such as roads, railways, waterways, ports, airports, navigation aids, intermodal freight terminals and product pipelines. For the current programming period (2007-2013), the TEN-T has an EU budget of around 49 billion. The next round of EU funding is currently being decided for 2014- 2020. There is currently a list of pre-identified projects; however, Ireland does not feature on this list. Sinn Féin has been working vigorously in an attempt to acquire the inclusion of a project we feel would benefit the whole island of Ireland. The ‘Western Arc’ project would include a Western rail network extending through from Belfast through Derry, Sligo, Knock, Galway to Shannon/ Limerick. This project would go a very long way to re-establishing an all-Ireland rail network. West Tyrone MLA Declan McAleer stated, “Such a project could form the basis for redressing the disastrous effects of the economic collapse of the banking and construction sectors throughout the island. The EU in its concern about the disastrous consequences of climate change is already considering radical proposals to reinstate rail as the preferred option for freight and passenger traffic in the future. Politicians in Ireland continuously talk about investment in the rail ‘network’ as if such a network actually exists. We need to accept that we do not have a ‘rail network’. What we have is a ‘line’ connecting Belfast to Dublin, a link to Larne and what passes for a link between Belfast and Derry which is so sub-standard the majority of commuters will not use it. Donegal, Sligo, Galway and much west of Shannon are no better served. Sinn Fein’s Regional Development representatives have been very active in attempting to bring the Western Arc project to life. Our MLA’s and party activists have had discussions in Europe, met with economic development officers for councils north and south, have submitted various parliamentary questions and have met with various organisations north and south in order to gain more information and to get our project on the agenda. The use of an all-island rail passenger/freight network would reduce road traffic congestion and protect the environment by reducing toxic emissions. Sinn Féin is under no illusion about the massive financial investment a regeneration programme of this nature would involve. However, the Executive and the Irish government must realise that the solution to problems such as under-development, devastating damage to the environment, vandalism of our cultural heritage etc. lies in the development and implementation of long-term transportation strategies. And there is much untapped financial assistance available at European level if the political will exists to present the project as an integral part of the Trans European Network (TEN).”

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